Thursday, January 20, 2011

Magic Hat Cake

This cake was done the same day that I did the Electric Guitar cake AND we were throwing a birthday party for Dawson.............and I might have also been dealing with a sinus I am not surprised I forgot that I took any pictures of this cake!! Yet today I ran across them. And I have to say that even though I felt I wasn't giving it my 100% on this due to focus problems - it was really cute.

I completely didn't take any "construction" photos until the end - and there were a few flaws on this - although the Bunny was so darn cute I don't think people realized that my Top Hat has NO BRIM!! In original measurements the brim of the hat would sit over 1" of the 8" round cake. Then after adding about 1/2" of icing on either side of the hat the brim disappeared - POOF!! - Like Magic!! Ironic right?

Now I have learned a thing - or twelve - about fondant through the past few months - and I learned that you do not wait until the last minute to make figures that hold weight in them. Like the Bunny - and even like the Daisy. I did all the figures about 4 days prior to the event - and honestly - the head could have used a few more days. Cheeks - Bunny Feet - Nose - all that was good, but the main portion of the head was dry enough that it didn't morph shape when you touched it - however, the center was not dry enough that when I tucked the ears in the weight of the ears pressed the inside dough around a bit.

So we waited until right before the party to pop the ears on. The Magician Scarf was done the day of - just draped some red fondant over the edge to look like a scarf. I believe that it was the scarf and the Daisy that throw the eyes off from noticing there is no brim. The base of the cake was done just super plain so that all the attention goes to the Top Hat.

Once the ears were on the Bunny it was perfect. You might notice that one ear has a bend - that was intentional and dried to do that. The ears still probably could have used another day themselves to dry too though. But they were super sturdy.

The kids LOVED the cake!! And the adults wanted to know what I made the hat out of and seemed genuinely tickled that the hat was also cake and everything was edible........and yes - the Birthday Boy got a Bunny Ear!

This cake was 2 flavors - the Top Hat was Chocolate Chocolate Chip with Vanilla Buttercream (2 layers) - the base cake was Pumpkin Spice cake with Vanilla Buttercream icing. Vanilla Fondant was used for decorating.


  1. OMGosh Patti! That is awesome! And, EVERYONE was raving about our Slinky Malinki cake. Tasted just as good as it looked too.

  2. Yea I am so glad you liked it - I tweaked the white part by adding more moisture to keep baking correctly with the chocolate - I was hoping it was even!!
