Monday, April 16, 2012

Minion Cake!!

This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE cakes to have done. Not because it was hard and I felt like I accomplished anything, but more because I love love love Minions!! I love that they have goofey names like "Dave" and "Steve" and yet look so not like those names. Plus I like the movie they come from a ton too.

This cake is really a copy of something I found on line though. I can't take original creativity for myself. My friend, Bryan, asked kinda short distance from the date of need (which many of my friends do) and so I didn't want to waste much time trying to think of anything. I cheated and CASE'd this.
It was for his oldest, Lucy. Their family comes up with some of the funnest things to make. I am never disappointed by their ideas.
My own kiddo's said the hair sticking out of the top of the Minion's head was their favorite part. Mine too kinda - well I liked doing the over-all's and the one eye too - and the cake in front - okay I just really had a fun time making the whole dang thing.
Inside the Minion is Red Velvet Cake and non-dairy Cream Cheese Icing. I mean - Tofu Cream Cheese Icing really. What you are scrumpling up your eyes right now? Well don't!! It was delish - HONESTLY!! I even took a spoonful to my husband and our neighbor while they were working on our schools trivia questions - both had made a face when I told them what I was making. They both looked concerned as they began to eat the icing........then raised their eyebrows and admitted that it was really good! See the youngest in their family has a dairy allergy so Lucy was making sure that her little sis could eat the cake. Sweet right? Plus - Tofu Cream Cheese Icing barely tastes any different at all!!


  1. Did you follow a guide or do this free hand. If so do you have tips for a novice on how to get such a smooth texture :)

  2. how much does a cake like this cost??

  3. can i know where to buy this cake? please advice!

  4. I made one of these last year.Basicly prepare in advance.Do the icing parts before hand, say a day or two before cake. To get a smooth texture on the icing,you need a smoothing tool.
